Fire Cider

Fire Cider

Every year, I make a big batch of Fire Cider to get our family & friends through the winter sniffle-free. It’s packed with fermented, immune-boosting, germ-fighting goodness, and a shot a day keeps us healthy. As a teacher, I do everything I can to not catch the germs I’m swimming in (I’m a sucker for a 6-year-old hug, especially when they’re sick. oops.) AND to not spread what I might pick up. I sip on bone broth & fire cider all season long to stay in tip-top shape.

You may have heard about Fire Cider around the interwebs lately, for good reason! Not only is it fabulous, but we herbalists around the world have been fighting for this wonderful tonic for a while. Fire cider is not a new thing; Rosemary Gladstar (the queen herbalist herself) created the recipe that many people/companies follow to this day. Since the ’70s, people have been brewing this in their home apothecaries, and until just recently, big companies have been making a pretty penny, claiming they invented it, trademarking it, and butchering the ingredients, quality, and name. Click here to read more about the legal battle to protect Fire Cider and make it available to herbalists like me to sell legally. It was a legal battle that just ended this fall, actually the day after I made this batch!

So, what’s in my Fire Cider? A blend of citrus, roots, veggies, and apple cider vinegar. Read on to see why I include each ingredient to support your immune health. Much of this information I learned in my Master Herbalist Course from The Herbal Academy, with documented research, I’m happy to share here!

INGREDIENTS (all organic, fresh & prepared the day of preparation)

  • oranges, lemons, grapefruit - citrus is antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, immune-enhancing, and anti-inflammatory. We all know vitamin C is a good thing for cold/flu prevention.

  • onions - help support your respiratory system by keeping tracts open. Great for the cold season.

  • garlic - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant, and immune stimulant- makes it a perfect herbal ally during cold and flu season.

  • fresh turmeric root- Turmeric is so hot right now. We, in the biz (The Break Up, anyone??), call it the Golden Goddess. If Ayurveda is your bag, you know this. We use turmeric as a healing agent for digestion, gut health, skin abrasions, GI tract inflammation, aches and pains, and liver support.

  • horseradish root - Horseradish strongly stimulates the digestive fire, increasing gastric secretions and appetite. It also promotes sweating, making it useful for fevers, colds, and flu. It’s also an expectorant and is antibacterial. It’s often used in both respiratory and urinary tract infection healing.

  • ginger root - Ginger is warming, and it stimulates circulation of the blood (it is used to remove pathogens from the bloodstream). It’s widely used in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine to break up congestion throughout the body, including in the lungs and nasal passages. Ginger can help break fevers by warming the body and increasing the sweat. It’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory; it stimulates immune activity and can soothe nausea.

  • cayenne pepper - A great bang for your buck in the early stages of colds because hot peppers increase circulation and mucous secretions. They move fluid from your insides, bringing heat and moisture to the surface.

  • Bragg’s ACV - Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is incredibly antibacterial and helps boost energy levels because it breaks down lactic acid buildup. The build-up leads to fatigue. I chose Bragg’s because I love their business practices, and their products are always high-quality.

  • ceylon cinnamon - cinnamon helps digest fats, and it settles indigestion. It stabilizes blood sugar and lowers cholesterol. It’s an antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal, which all help with infection. Cinnamon has an astringent, drying effect and is used as an expectorant for congestion. The anti-inflammatory action on the body’s tissues boosts brain function and memory. Win.

Pretty great, yeah? You can see why this tonic is so powerful and important for your health. Get some! Ships when fully extracted. Each batch takes 4-6 weeks to fully infuse. Get yours while supplies last!

I only brew a gallon at a time. If that sells out, I’m happy to create batch #2, but it won’t be ready for a bit. Better later than not at all!

16 oz jar $22

2 x 16oz jars $40

Free delivery in San Antonio, or

Additional shipping elsewhere shipped safely to your door.

To order, send payment via Venmo or PayPal, and enter order details in the description.

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Ashley MullerComment