International Supper Club: African & Middle Eastern Spice & Sauce List

For many of the recipes I cook during this project, I’ll be exploring new spice blends, condiments, and sauces that will be listed here. They’ll be listed alphabetically, so if you've been linked here from a blog post of mine, or if you just want to spice up your current recipes, scroll through to find what you need.

Note: I don’t add salt to any of my spice blends because you never know the salt level you’ll need in a recipe, so you can add it later if you need it.


This gorgeous chili paste is a spicy addition to soup, stew, or anything that needs a little kick. Try a little at first, then add to taste. It’s spicy, a little sweet and a little tangy.

I grow and dry peppers from the garden, which is the most fresh, but you can find them dried and bagged in the produce or spice aisle of the grocery store. No matter what, use all red peppers for Harissa.

In a small blender (I use the Ninja Bullet) combine the following until smooth:

10 dried red chilies

1 large ancho chili (fresh if you can find it, depends on the store)

2 fresh red chilis (I like Fresno chilis, but anything you find will work. Make sure they’re fresh, not dried, because we need the moisture)

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon coriander

1/2 teaspoon caraway seeds

1 teaspoon salt

2-3 cloves peeled garlic, depending on size

juice from half a lemon

3 tablespoons neutral oil, like avocado or grapeseed


This spice blend adds a nice earthy flavor to a dish. Coat chicken, beef, lamb or veggies and roast, or add to stew. Whisk the following ingredients together and store in a small, air-tight jar. Makes about 1/2 cup.

2 teaspoons each:





1 teaspoon each:


black pepper




1/2 tsp

ground cloves


1.5” cinnamon stick, broken into several pieces (break with a chef’s knife)

1/4 cup coriander seeds

1/4 cup cumin seeds

1 tablespoon peppercorns

2 teaspoons cardamom pods (3-4 pods)

1/2 teaspoons whole cloves (4-5 cloves)

1 tablespoon turmeric powder

  1. Toast everything but the turmeric in a large skillet. Toast on low, stirring often until you start to hear seeds pop. Be careful not to let the spices burn, but get them toasty and fragrant. About 3 minutes.

  2. Let the spices cool, then blend in a Ninja Bullet or spice blender.

  3. In a small glass bowl or jar with a sealable lid, place the turmeric at the bottom then through a fine sieve, sift in the blended mix.

  4. Re-blend larger pieces that didn’t break down, continuing until everything is a fine spice powder. Stir everything together completely and store for up to 2 months in a dry, cool place.

Ashley MullerComment